Splatoon 3 art countdown

@Splat3Count is a community art event where contributors submit artwork that will be featured each day for 40 days until Splatoon 3 is released!

    Schedule + FAQ

    Information about scheduling, when artwork is to be submitted, frequently asked questions!

    How to participate

    Applications Closed!


    People putting the thing together

    Event Schedule

    Interest CheckEarly May
    ApplicationJune 1st - 15th
    Countdown StartsJuly 31st
    Countdown EndsSeptember 9th
    Server Closes???

    Q: What is splat3Countdown
    A: is a community art event where contributors submit artwork that will be featured each day for 30-40 days until Splatoon 3 is released!
    Q:How do I participate?
    A: Sign up via our Google form, and that's it! We're looking for as many people as possible!
    Q: Who can participate?
    A: Anyone and everyone! This event is for all types of visual artists
    Q: What sort of Art can I submit?
    A: Artwork must be SFW, and Splatoon 3 themed! All artwork must also contain the day assigned to you! ie: Day 40 or 40 days until xyz
    Q: I have a question that's unanswered!
    A:Feel free to DM us on our twitter, or just @ us!

    How to participate

    Fill out the google form!https://forms.gle/wJSrYYr66KaS8bBn8When the form closes, we'll send an email of your assigned date, and when/where you can submit your artwork! All artwork will be posted to the @splat3count twitter, and the artist will be tagged.Other updates will be sent to your email, as well as available in the discord!


    @midimayo is the main organizer!@sugarnspace our twitter mod and organization helper!@ebenrosetaylor is our discord mod!